Decorating Ideas for Small Spaces | Trusted American Mortgage

You love your new home, but there is that one room that you wish was just a little bit more spacious.

Before you put the room on the back burner and decorate the rest of the house, check out these ways you can decorate your small spaces to make them feel comfortable and cozy!


The first, and potentially most important part of decorating a compact space, is reducing clutter. Nothing makes a room appear smaller than a bunch of knick-knacks everywhere.

Before you can even think about decorating, take time to declutter and organize. When you’re moving into a new home, that may mean weeding out items as you unpack.

Add Organization

Once your space is decluttered, it would be a good idea to prevent clutter from building up again. Having small space storage solutions can be a game-changer.

The key here is to give every item a home and when items no longer seem to fit, it may be time for another decluttering session.

Create a Monotone Space

Keeping the walls, rugs and furniture different shades of the same hue gives an illusion of a larger space. Since the area is not being visually broken up, it appears more cohesive and, in turn, more spacious than it actually is.

Brighten It Up

Natural light is ideal for keeping a room open and bright, but that isn’t always possible. Add lamps where you can and aim for paint colors that help small spaces appear larger.

Add Greenery

Bringing the outdoors inside is a great way to add depth to any space. Greenery helps a space feel more light and airy.

Plus, plants have a bunch of other benefits outside of looking pretty in your home, which we consider to be a win-win.

Keep It Minimal

After you’ve decluttered, added small-space storage solutions and painted the walls a similar hue as the carpeting, it is important to maintain all of your hard work. Keeping the decor minimal can help your space remain decluttered and minimize sensory overload in the small area.

Small spaces can be just as beautiful and cozy as larger spaces! With some tweaks to your current storage options and some TLC, the small spaces in your home will make you smile in no time.

Ready to upgrade your home for a larger space? Contact us today to learn about our mortgage options!