The 3 Best Home Improvement Projects to Tackle During the Winter | Trusted American Mortgage

Depending on where you live, the winter season can be a brutal one! The different weather threats, coupled with less-than-ideal temperatures, can make us all spend much more time indoors while we wait for the warmer months to come back.

While we are waiting, what better way to pass the time than to finally tackle some of those home improvement projects you have been wanting to get done? Finishing these three projects now can boost your home’s value while also making it more comfortable while the season progresses.

1. Tackling Insulation Issues

Who wants a drafty house at this time of year? While drafts and air leaks are undesirable, they can easily be tracked down during the winter months if you are always catching a chill or feel a breeze rolling through your home. Upgrading your insulation can help keep your home warmer, but it also is a huge investment in your home’s value.

In fact, an insulation upgrade in your home is one of the best projects that will give you the highest return on your investment. Sealing cracks and gaps will improve your comfort, but it will also make your home much more energy-efficient, which is a huge trend in the housing market right now.

2. Finishing Off a Space

Which room in your home has been on your list to revamp since you moved in? The winter season may be a great time to tackle it! Common rooms to redo are laundry rooms and basements, as they typically don’t require large amounts of reconstruction where you need to be worried about dust control and open windows for ventilation.

Upgrading the lights, repainting walls or investing in new appliances can refresh a space and can also contribute to your home’s value. Draw up your plans, shop around for supplies and get to work!

If you are interested in using a contractor, be sure to do your research before signing any contracts. Not all construction companies are created equally, and you could wind up in a frustrating (and expensive) situation really fast.

3. Refresh Your Floors

Another project that is great for when you are cooped up on those cold winter nights is any flooring project that you have been dreaming about. Retiling a bathroom or adding vinyl flooring to your kitchen can give the space a whole new look in a short amount of time.

Replacing carpet in the winter is also a great project to take on as all of the work can be done inside without having to expose your home to the elements. Taking on any of these home projects this coming season can be a great way to pass the time while also investing in your home.

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